Projects & Programs
As the economic redevelopment engine for Downtown Dearborn, the Dearborn DDAs help businesses and the community prosper.
Featured Projects, Programs & Plans
Find a range of programs and assistance designed to strengthen businesses and districts. With technical expertise, a valuable network of contacts, and ready access to pertinent information, Downtown Dearborn can help you to get started and grow. Downtown Dearborn has access to professional resources offered in Dearborn, statewide and nationally.
Open Door Dearborn Grant Program
The Dearborn Downtown Development Authorities have awarded $187,500 in Open Door Dearborn grants to help 21 start-ups and local businesses improve their buildings since 2019.
Sustainable Parking Lots Plan
The Sustainable Parking Lots Plan identified mixed-use development opportunities, as well as sustainable development and stormwater management for the area.
Downtown Strategic Plan
Key goals were to develop a cohesive main street - Michigan Avenue, increase the regional destination appeal of Downtown Dearborn, and lay the groundwork for the long-term vision.
Economic & Marketing Strategy
The City of Dearborn Economic Development Department utilized POW! Strategies, Inc., the DDDA Executive Management Team, to develop an Economic and Marketing Strategy.
All Projects & Programs
Get guidance and info for startups and business growth as well as loans, grants and tax incentives.